Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating Warbler
(Helmitheros vermivorum)

Order:  Passeriformes
Family:  Parulidae

Photo by Russ Wigh [CC NC/ND 2.0]

Worm-eating Warbler Information

Worm-eating Warbler
Description, reproduction, habitat and distribution, diet, and conservation status. Includes photo and range map. (From Wikipedia)

Worm-eating Warbler
Habitat, diet, feeding behavior, nesting, migration, and conservation status of this bird. Includes range map, photos, and songs and calls. (From Audubon Field Guide)

Worm-eating Warbler
Description, voice, habitat, range, behavior, flight, reproduction, diet, threats, and status. (From Oiseaux-birds.com)

  Song and calls of the Worm-eating Warbler

  Identification tips for the Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating Warbler

Worm-eating Warble

© Mike Danzenbaker

Breeding Bird Survey Map

Note: This map has not yet been updated with most recent data.

Worm-eating Warbler Breeding Map

(Image credit: USGS)

Range in New England

In New England, the Worm-eating Warbler breeds in far southern and southeastern Massachusetts, Connecticut, and portions of Rhode Island.

Winter Map from eBird

Sightings of the Worm-eating Warbler from Dec-Feb over the past 10 years (2009-2019)